Sunday, October 19, 2003

Oh happy day - I got my brass quartet arrangement of "Jerusalem" done just after midnight so I was able to hand it over to our Quartet Maestro this morning. But of course, because "Jerusalem" doesn't meet with universal approval, we are singing it to the words of a psalm instead. I played it over on my computer and I must say that it sounds quite promising. Over to you, Maestro!

I'm looking forward to our Praise Him With Trumpets evening service next week (26th October at 6.30 pm). It should be joyous, bright and breezy - and just a little louder than usual! Let's dress correspondingly brightly to fit the occasion.

Celtic Praise, on the evening of November 23rd, will be different again. But you'll have to watch this space to find out more about it, as plans are still being made. Regard it as an early St Andrew's Day special...

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