Sunday, April 16, 2006

On Palm Sunday, the band played on. The Choir "rested their voices" (evidently!), for they were in splendid voice for the evening Gospel songs service.

And that brings us to day - Easter Sunday. We had a Sunny Sunrise Service! The best weather we've had yet, in fact. It was still a bit nippy for the guitar-playing minstrels (brrrrr!), but the singing was enthusiastic. The breakfast afterwards was good, too.

For the regular morning service, I played:-

Before the service: You raise me up (Rolf Lovland and Brendan Graham); then Postlude on Laudate Dominum (Rosalie Bonighton).

During the communion: Romance from The Gadfly (Shostakovich), and Domine Deus (Vivaldi's Gloria).

Outgoing voluntary: In Dir ist Freude (J S Bach)

After that - nearly five hours at church! - we scuttled home for lunch, and then some serious Family Fun at Finlaystone. ("Family Fun" is what our youngest son calls any outing when we all go out together! And the more active it is, the more fun - obviously.)