Sunday, June 06, 2004

6th June 2004 - this morning was Katie's baptism, an eagerly awaited event in Killermont. And wasn't she good?! Hannah was every bit the proud big sister, too.

Before the service, I played Magnificat, by Guilmant, then an Entree by Dubois for the Choir's entry. Talking of whom - didn't they sing "Lord, I want to be a Christian" beautifully? Well, I thought they did!

During the Offering, as a tribute to Katie, I played Gershwin's "Love walked in". I'd hazard a guess that was the first time Killermont's organ played that little number!

After the service, I thought it only appropriate to mark "D-Day" for the older members of the congregation who still have vivid memories of the event. Walton's "Spitfire" seemed to fit the bill.

My own little monsters managed not to show me up after the service - at least, not in my earshot and nothing was reported to me - so all three are permitted to go swimming this afternoon. And my Sunday headache is abating already....

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