Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I've been so SLOW to catch on! I've been searching the web for good prayers - prayers that would say exactly what I wanted them to say. But, I hear you say, why waste time searching?

Quite so. So, I've written my own. Here's An Organist's Prayer:-

Dear Lord,

We thank you for the many blessings that we in the western world enjoy. In particular today, we thank you for the medical profession and for the knowledge that allows them to treat us when we are ill. We thank you too for the constant care that they show us, for their willingness to listen to our complaints and their continuing efforts both in diagnosis and treatment. We thank you for research into surgical procedures and new pharmaceutical products - and we pray that all these blessings might be made available to those less fortunate than ourselves in other parts of the world.

We thank you for taking care of people near and dear to us, and rejoice when we hear of improvements in their condition. At the same time, though, we pray for patience when things aren't going quite so well, and for the strength to keep on going at times when things seem very hard. Help us to remember that all things are in your hands.

When we make music, help us remember that using this gift can in itself be a form of prayer, if it is an expression of gratitude for the many and varied gifts that you give to your people.

And help us, please, to remember that you aren't just there for the bad times, but for the good times as well. If we are in a crisis situation now, help us not to forget to give thanks to you when things are going well, too.

And all these things we pray in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ.


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