Thursday, March 24, 2005

Well, Palm Sunday is one day where the music just chooses itself. In the morning, I played:-

  • The Palms, by Faure;
  • Settings of "Herzlich thut mich verlangen" (O, sacred head, sore wounded), by Bach, Zollner and Walther;
  • O Mensch, bewein, by Bach (it's such a mournful piece. I always remember lying ill in bed with glandular fever when I was 18, and my father playing that piece on the piano downstairs);
  • Nun danket, by Karg Elert

In the evening, Killermont Parish Church had visiting musicians in the shape of Rita McGhee's musical twin grand-daughters, Abbey and Aisling (violin and piano respectively). Didn't they do well? Rita can rightly feel very proud of them!

Don't forget to put your clocks forward on Saturday night. Get to bed early - the dawn Easter communion service is at 7.30 am, British Summer Time. What an unearthly hour to be driving from the south-side to Bearsden!

By the end of the service, we shall all be sufficiently awake - and hungry - to do our Easter breakfast justice!

There's another service at 10 am, of course. But no breakfast after it.

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