Thursday, November 13, 2003

Back from Berlin and Dessau - wow, what a weekend! (Did my husband HAVE to phone me on Sunday lunchtime - when I was looking at a mediaeval bible in a hushed church exhibition area - just to ask how to roast potatoes?!)

Anyway, here I am back and raring to go. I'm looking forward the Celtic Praise on Sunday 23rd November at 6.30 pm. I've already hinted that there will be a wide variety of instruments involved, and I'm not about to spill the beans - just wait and see!

Singers and instrumentalists, we're going to meet after the morning service on Sunday on 23rd November, to run through arrangements. I hope we'll get everything sorted out so that we don't need an afternoon practice!

Here follows the full programme. Wearing tartan is optional!

Before the service: clarsach music played by well-known clarsach professional, Karen Marshalsay

Introit: CG127 The Lord’s my shepherd v.1 (Brother James’ Air)

CG138 We cannot measure (Kelvingrove)

CG66 Jesus calls us here
CG112 Sing to God with gladness

How lovely is thy dwelling place (Choir and organ)

Reading: Psalm 69
Harp Meditation (Karen Marshalsay)

CG78 Lord of life (Lynn Keating, soprano, and Karen Marshalsay, clarsach)

CG146 Whoever lives beside the Lord
CG60 I waited patiently
CG82 Mallaig Sprinkling Song


CG117 Spirit of God

CG39 Glory to God above


CG148 Will you come and follow me (verse 1)

Now, watch this space, because my next contribution will mention our Advent and Christmas arrangements.

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